New Year, New Blog

Wow!  2010 was a big year, full of change and growth for me.  I can hardly wait to see where 2011 is going to take me!  For now, it has taken me out of my comfy Blogger blog, and dropped me in the lap of WordPress.  For the most part, I made the move to enjoy larger images sizes and a bit more liberal format.  Let’s hope I can make the most of it!  As a half-wit blogger, I may be asking too much of myself.  We shall see.

I’ve made a commitment to photograph one portrait per day.  To really reach for creativity when I’m behind the lens.  Because great photography is so much more than putting together the right combination of aperture, shutter speed and ISO.  It’s more than the rule of 3rds, and the Golden Section.  For me, right now, it’s about catching something extraordinary in the ordinary.  Finding something magical in an everyday moment.

Today’s photo does this, I think.   It is not perfectly composed.  It was a very brief capture, and the little guy was ready to move on.  But I feel that even the hand blur really honors the motion of the moment and maybe even adds something right to the enthusiasm I was trying to catch as he was banging on the tub.

I would love to see the family/newborn/children portraits you are working on, especially if you are doing a 365 project.  So, please feel free to post a comment, along with your blog or flickr!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Day 1 of 365 (2011) {Patricia Wade Portrait Photographer West Texas}

Happy New Year! I am so excited to see all the amazing things this next year is going to bring! And while I am not big on the whole “resolution” thing, I do think it’s good to regularly take stock and determine what changes and improvements need to be made. Like most moms, I want to make more quality time with family. I want to have more one-on-one time with my children. I want to eat healthier and exercise more. I want to spend more time in prayer and in God’s word. And I want to really grow as a photographer. I have seen such tremendous growth in my photography this past year, and I can hardly wait to see how much it grows in this next year. Thus, I am starting a 365 project. One great photo per day for the whole year. Now, this isn’t really a big change – I normally take random photos or shoot mini sessions almost every day. But my plan right now is to really take the time to create, to feel inspiration, to know when I’ve got the shot and call it a wrap. I’m also working on a very clean, concise, and efficient post-processing workflow.

So, with that in mind, here is my 1st portrait of the new year.

It was a 10 minute session out in a brisk 40 (burrrrr!) degrees! (Her sister was on stand-by with a warm coat to bundle her in between shots.)  But it was still pretty fun!

Are you working on a 365 project this year? Feel free to post your flickr! I’d love to see your work!