Tag: West Texas Photographer
16 months – The Good, the Bad, and the Cranky (Permian Basin Children’s Photographer)
Toddlers are too much fun! They make you work for every shot, though. For all the weddings, engagement, maternity, and senior sessions that I may do, nothing makes me feel more accomplished than getting some great moments captured with a toddler. It’s work. And it’s love. What could be better?
See, it was all going along swimmingly, right….? Everyone’s having a good time.
That is until we tried the hat.
I know, it “looks” like he’s still happy. Trust me, his inner grump has just been awakened. Just wait and I’ll show you.
He had that hat yanked off his head in no seconds flat, and let loose with the screaming. Hey, I’m used to this kind of treatment. I’m a mom. But it blew over quickly.
We pulled out his favorite book _That’s Not My Lion…_
That’s when he really perked back up. He does love this book, with all it’s texture-y goodness.
Awwww! I ask you, what could be cuter than a boy and his favorite book?